Combat Slavery in Disasters Scholarship

The Combat Slavery in Disasters Scholarship (CSDS) offers research support to individuals that contribute to the international field of knowledge in the relation to the intersection of human trafficking and disaster management.
This initiative aims to encourage and stimulate research into Human Trafficking in Disasters practices, policies, and systems.

Freedom in Disasters offers research scholarships that cover up to US $540 for individuals.  At any given time, an estimated 40.3 million people worldwide are trapped in modern slavery, which equates to 5.4 victims for every 1,000 people in the world. FiD wants to symbolically recognise this injustice by aligning the scholarship amount to the number of victims.

Scholarships are based on eligibility, limited to available funds, and processed in the order in which the applications are received. Scholarships are non-transferable and can be used only for Human Trafficking in Disasters research expenses. In collaboration with our academic partners aim to award up to five scholarships per person in any 12-month period.

Our research scholarship funds are available to cover some or all of the following:

  • Stakeholder engagement expenses
  • Transportation expenses
  • Lodging expenses
  • Conference, workshop or seminar costs

The awardee will be reimbursed for some or all of the above costs up to US$ 540.  Awardees must cover all other expenses on their own, may only use the funds to cover approved amounts as mentioned above, and are encouraged to use the least costly mode of transportation.

Combat Slavery in Disasters Information ...

Please note that currently the scholarship application period is closed. At the moment, we are engaging with our academic partners to identify research opportunities.

For more information please visit our CSDS site.

To stay informed about upcoming Combat Slavery in Disasters Scholarship opportunities, sign up to our Newsletter and social media accounts. We will make sure to keep you in the loop.

We measure our impact by ...

Freedom in Disasters is accountable to its partners, sponsors, the broader public, and most importantly those trapped in modern slavery. We ensure that our initiatives make an impact in the real world, and therefore design quantifiable solutions to combat human trafficking in disasters.

The Combat Slavery in Disasters Scholarship impact measurements are occurring in the categories of:

  1. Advancing Human Trafficking in Disasters body of knowledge
  2. Supporting Trafficking in Disasters research
  3. Promoting Trafficking in Disasters as a research field

For more information about this initiative or to collaborate, please contact us:

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