The Toolkit for Counter Human Trafficking (CHT) Programming for International Disaster Managers is designed to assist field personnel to effectively integrate human trafficking programming into field programmes. The toolkit also serves as a step-by-step guide to help strengthen efforts in building community resilience.
The Toolkit for CHT Programming for International Disaster Managers is the first standard of its kind. It addresses the gap – the intersection of disasters and human trafficking – and has been designed by international disaster management and CHT experts for their colleagues in the field. The document is complimentary to the International Standard for CHT Programming in Disasters and serves as key reference point for the humanitarian sector.
This toolkit aims to match DM vulnerabilities* with HT vulnerabilities** and consequently identifies the optimal intervention program. It’s a win-win programming and all it takes is awareness.
The Toolkit is a living resource for international disaster management practitioners, and we aim to continue to strive for improving it as we learn from implementation experiences.
Our objectives of this initiative are:
- Research current state of CHTiD programming practices
- Identify CHTiD programming best practice
- Consult with and engage with international SMEs to define best practice and methodology
- Design and publish the toolkit
- Actively promote the use of the Toolkit for CHT Programming to relevant stakeholders
What we have achieved so far ...
In August 2020, FiD started to research CHTiD programming best practices and conducted literature reviews. Targeted interviews with a number of international relief organisations, social enterprises and United Nations affiliates led to a preliminary identification of current practices and potential gaps.
In December 2020, key gaps in CHT programming for disaster were identified and best practice approaches formulated. Part of this research were presented at the Second Urban Resilience Asia Pacific Conference (URAP2) in collaboration with colleagues from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and from the Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation.
In late 2021, key stakeholders were invited to join an interdisciplinary working group to design a state-of-the-art toolkit supporting field personnel to effectively integrate human trafficking considerations in disaster relief programs. Design thinking workshops in early 2022, aim to design a fit-for-purpose toolkit supporting the frontline in our fight against human trafficking.
We measure our impact by ...
Freedom in Disasters is accountable to its partners, sponsors, the broader public, and most importantly those trapped in modern slavery. We ensure that our initiatives make an impact in the real world, and therefore design quantifiable solutions to combat human trafficking in disasters.
The Toolkits impact measurements are occurring in the categories of:
- Trans-disciplinary stakeholder groups ideating fit-for-purpose solutions
- Publication of a state-of-the-art toolkit
- Acceptance of the toolkit by disaster relief personnel