International Standard for Counter Trafficking in Disasters

The International Standard for Counter Human Trafficking (CHT) Programming in Disasters sets the minimum standard for CHT programming in disasters. This initiative aims to empower the humanitarian, law enforcement and disaster relief sector to stop organised crime utilising disasters ‘as opportunity’ to conduct this illicit trade.

The International Standard for CHT Programming in Disasters is being developed through a consultative process, setting out principles, methodology and guidelines which can be easily applied by various actors to support vulnerable children, woman, and men in times of need.

It’s the international standard that empowers practitioners, researchers, and policy makers to collaboratively address the challenges arising in the realm of human trafficking and disasters.

Our objectives of this initiative are:

  • Research current state of Human Trafficking in Disasters knowledge
  • Identify gaps and best practice approaches
  • Consult with and engage international to define the minimum standard components
  • Design and publish the Standard for CHT Programming in Disasters
  • Actively promote the use of the International Standard for CHT Programming in Disasters to relevant stakeholder across key sectors

          What we have achieved so far ...

          In August 2020, FiD started to research Human Trafficking in Disasters practices with the support of several international organisations. Literature reviews and interviews conducted throughout 2020 highlighted a gap – the absence of an internationally agreed standard.

          In December 2020, current practices in CHT programming in disasters were identified. This research was presented at the Second Urban Resilience Asia Pacific Conference (URAP2) in collaboration with colleagues from the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation.

          In late 2021, key stakeholders from across the globe were approached to form an multi-disciplinary think tank to design the Standard for CHT Programming in Disasters. Experts from various sectors and different backgrounds were invited to present their perspective in workshops which are to be held through in early 2022.

          We measure our impact by ...

          Freedom in Disasters is accountable to its partners, sponsors, the broader public, and most importantly those trapped in modern slavery. We ensure that our initiatives make an impact in the real world, and therefore design quantifiable solutions to combat human trafficking in disasters.

          The International Standard for CHT Programming in Disasters impact measurements are occurring in the categories of:

          1. Trans-disciplinary stakeholder groups ideating standard components
          2. Broad consultation of the draft standard with international experts
          3. Acceptance of the standard as international gold standard for HT in Disasters


            For more information about this initiative or to collaborate, please contact us:

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